One of the startling things to me is the almost complete media blackout in America of what is really happening in Palestine, which she covers in her video. Anna's colleague Kara was traveling between the U.S. and Palestine when she came across two conflicting Newsweek issues. The international version had a sympathetic article about the "Plight of the Palestinians" at the top. The same article was not only absent from the corresponding U.S. Newsweek cover (see the top line)... it was omitted from the entire magazine! How can we exercise our democratic responsibilities and make informed choices when we are being blocked from getting important information?

This was knit on #10 needles using Peace Fleece's worsted weight "Negotiation Grey" - it took three skeins and about 10 feet more - a total of around 603 yards. I love that the color is negotiation grey. It reminds me of the efforts of Beyond War - where they say that part of the roadblock to peace is a culture that sees things in black and white - either a good guy or a bad guy, rather than shades of grey - we all have good and bad in us really and anyone can change.
This pattern looks very long but it is repetitive, especially once you get to the long feathers, it's easy but looks complicated. Really. You may find you can knit long stretches without even looking at the pattern.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you download a .pdf of this pattern to print out, the formatting below is messy. download now.
K - Knit
YO - yarn over
SSK - slip, slip, knit slipped stitches tog.
SSSK - slip, slip, slip, knit three slipped stitches together.
K2 TOG - knit two stitches as if they were one.
K3 TOG - knit three stitches as if they were one.
KFB - knit front and back of loop - making two stitches from one.
K3 INTO 1 - knit, yo, knit in the same stitch - making three stitches from one.
S2KP2– centered double decrease. sl2, k1, p2sso is an abbreviation for slip two, knit one, pass two over. Slip two stitches together as if to knit, knit one stitch, then pass the two slipped stitches over the stitch you just knit. This results in a centered double decrease.
PPSO - pass previous stitch over.
BO - bind off. When it says how many to bind off, count by the number of finished stitch loops you’ve done. When binding off to the next feather - on the purl side the stitch left on the needle should be the first feather stitch you come to. On the knit side you bind off to the last stitch BEFORE the first feather stitch. You’ll see when you get there. In order to keep the edges from curling outward, bind off VERY LOOSELY!
CO 77
Row 1: knit
Row 2: purl
Row 3: knit
Row 4: purl
Row 5: K1, YO, K7, YO, K1,
(YO, K1, YO, K7)X3, (YO, K1)X2, YO, K7, YO, K1,
(YO, K1, YO, K7)X3, (YO, K1)X2, YO, K7, YO, K1
Row 6: purl
Row 7: K2, YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG, YO, K2,
(YO, K3, YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG)X3, YO, K2,
YO, K3, YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG, YO, K2,
(YO, K3, YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG)X3, YO, K2,
YO, K3, YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG, YO, K2
Row 8: purl
Row 9: K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K, K2TOG, YO, SSK, K3 INTO 1, K, YO K,
(K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK)X3, K3 INTO 1, K, YO, K,
K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K3 INTO 1, K, YO, K,
(K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK)X3, K3 INTO 1, K, YO, K,
Row 10: purl
Row 11: K, K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K, K3 INTO 1, K2, YO, K, YO, K2,
(K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K)X3, K3 INTO 1, K2, YO, K, YO, K2,
K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K, K3 INTO 1, K2, YO, K, YO, K2,
(K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K)X3, K3 INTO 1, K2, YO, K, YO, K2,
K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K, K3 INTO 1, K
Row 12: purl
Row 13: KFB,
K, K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK,
(K, K3 INTO 1, K, K3 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSSK)X4,
K, K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK,
K, K3 INTO 1, K, K3 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSSK,
K, K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK,
(K, K3 INTO 1, K, K3 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSSK)X4,
K, K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK,
K, K3 INTO 1, K, KFB
Row 14: purl
Row 15: K2, YO, K4, K2 TOG,
YO, K2, (YO, K3, YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG)X5,
YO, K2, (YO, K3, YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG)X2,
YO, K2, (YO, K3, YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG)X5,
YO, K2, YO, K3, YO, SSK, K4, YO, K2
Row 16: purl
Row 17: KFB, K2TOG, YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K3 INTO 1, K, YO, K,
(K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK)X5, K3 INTO 1, K, YO, K,
(K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK)X2, K3 INTO 1, K, YO, K,
(K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK)X5, K3 INTO 1, K, YO, K,
Row 18: purl
Row 19: KFB, K2, YO, K, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K, K3 INTO 1, K2, YO, K, YO, K2,
(K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K)X5,
K3 INTO 1, K2, YO, K, YO, K2,
(K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K)X2,
K3 INTO 1, K2, YO, K, YO, K2,
(K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K)X5,
K3 INTO 1, K2, YO, K, YO, K2,
K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, K, YO, K2, KFB
Row 20: purl
Row 21: KFB, K, K2 TOG, YO, K2, YO, K3, YO, SSK,
(K, K3 INTO 1, K, K3 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSSK)X6,
K, K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK
(K, K3 INTO 1, K, K3 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSSK)X2,
K, K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK
(K, K3 INTO 1, K, K3 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSSK)X6,
K, K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, K2, YO, SSK, K, KFB
Row 22: purl
Row 23: K2, K3 TOG, YO, K3, YO, K2, K2 TOG,
(YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG, YO, K3)X7, YO, K2,
(YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG, YO, K3)X2,
YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG, YO, K2, YO, K3
(YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG, YO, K3)X6,
YO, SSK, K3, K3 TOG, YO, K3, YO, K3, YO, SSSK, K2
Row 24: purl
Row 25: K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K3 INTO 1, K,
(YO, SSK, K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG)X7,
YO, SSK, K3 INTO 1, K, YO, K, K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG,
(YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG)X2,
YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K3 INTO 1, K, YO, K,
(K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK)X7
K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG, YO, K, K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K
Row 26: purl
Row 27: K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K, K3 INTO 1, K2, YO, K, YO, K2
(K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K)X7, K3 INTO 1, K2, YO, K, YO, K2
(K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K)X3, K3 INTO 1, K2, YO, K, YO, K2,
(K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K)X7, K3 INTO 1, K2, YO, K, YO, K2,
Row 28: purl
Row 29: (K, YO, SSSK, K, K3 INTO 1, K, K3 TOG, YO)X22, K
Row 30: purl
Row 31: K2, YO, (SSK, K3, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO)X21, SSK, K3, K2 TOG, YO, K2
Row 32: purl
Row 33: K3 INTO 1, K2,
(YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG, YO, K3 INTO 1, K2, K2 TOG)X10,
(YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K2, K3 INTO 1)X10,
YO, SSK, K, K2 TOG, YO, K2, K3 INTO 1
Row 34: purl
Row 35: K, K3 INTO 1, K2, (K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K3 INTO 1, K3)X10,
K2 TOG, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K, K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG,
(YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K3, K3 INTO 1, K2 TOG)X10, YO, S2KP2, YO, SSK, K2, K3 INTO 1, K
Row 36: purl
Row 37: K2, K3 INTO 1, K4, SSK, (YO, SSK, K, K3 INTO 1, K4, K3 TOG)X10, YO, SSK, K2,
K3 INTO 1, K2, K2 TOG, (YO, SSSK, K4, K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG)X10, YO, K2 TOG, K4,
K3 INTO 1, K2
Row 38: purl
Row 39: SSK, K, K3 INTO 1, K4, K3 TOG, (YO, K3, K3 INTO 1, K4, K3 TOG)X10,
YO, K4, K3 INTO 1, K4, YO, (SSSK, K4, K3 INTO 1, K3, YO)X10,
SSSK, K4, K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG
Row 40: purl
Row 41: K3, (K3 INTO 1, K4, K3 TOG, YO, SSK, K2)X10,
K3 INTO 1, K4, K2 TOG, YO, SSSK, K3, K3 INTO 1, K3, K3 TOG, YO, SSK,
(K4, K3 INTO 1, K2, K2 TOG, YO, SSSK)X10, K4, K3 INTO 1, K3
Row 42: purl
Row 43: (SSK, K2, K3 INTO 1, K4, K3 TOG, YO)X11, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5,
(YO, SSSK, K4, K3 INTO 1, K2, K2 TOG)X11
Row 44: purl
Row 45: (SSK, K2, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO)X11, SSK, K4, K3 INTO 1, K4, K2 TOG,
(YO, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K2, K2 TOG)X11
Row 46: purl
Row 47: (SSK, K2, K3 INTO 1, K5, K3 TOG, YO)X11, SSK, K4, K3 INTO 1, K4, K2 TOG,
(YO, SSSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K2, K2 TOG)X11
Row 48: purl
Row 49: SAME AS ROW 47
Row 50: purl
Row 51: (K4, K3 INTO 1, K5, K3 TOG, YO)X11, SSK, K4, K3 INTO 1, K4, K2 TOG,
(YO, SSSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K4)X11
Row 52: purl
Row 53: (SSK, K3, K3 INTO 1, K5, K3 TOG, YO)X11, SSK, K4, K3INTO 1, K4, K2 TOG,
(YO, SSSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K3, K2 TOG)X11
Row 54: purl
Row 55: SAME AS ROW 53
Row 56: purl
Row 57: (K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K3 TOG, YO)X11, K6, K3 INTO 1, K6,
(YO, SSSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5)X11
Row 58: purl
Row 59: (SSK, K4, K3 INTO 1, K5, K3 TOG, YO)X11, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG,
(YO, SSSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K4, K2 TOG)X11
Row 60: purl
Row 61: SAME AS ROW 59
Row 62: purl
Row 63: (K6, K3 INTO 1, K5, K3 TOG, YO)X11, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG,
(YO, SSSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K6)X11
Row 64: purl
Row 65: (SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K3 TOG, YO)X4,, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG,
(YO, K, YO, SSK, K11, K2 TOG)X4, YO, K, (YO, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K3 TOG)X2, YO, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, (YO, SSSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG)X2, (YO, K, YO, SSK, K11, K2 TOG)X4, YO, K, YO, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, (YO, SSSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG)X4
Row 66: purl
Row 66: purl
Row 67: (SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K3 TOG, YO)X3, SSK, K, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSK, K11, K2 TOG, (YO, K3, YO, SSK, K9, K2 TOG)X4, YO, K2, YO, SSSK,
(K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K3 TOG, YO, SSK)X2, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, SSSK,
K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, SSSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K3 TOG, YO, K2, YO,
(SSK, K9, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO)X4, SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K,
YO, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, (YO, SSSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG)X3
Row 68: purl
Row 69: (SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K6, K2 TOG, YO)X2, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO
SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, (YO, K5, YO, SSK, K7, K2 TOG)X4,
YO, K4, YO, SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K6, K2 TOG, YO,
SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K6, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO
SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K4, YO, (SSK, K7, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO)X4, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, (YO, SSK, K6, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG)X2
Row 70: purl
Row 71: (SSK, K12, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO)X2, SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO
SSK, K9, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO, SSK, K7, K2 TOG, (YO, K7, YO, SSK, K5, K2 TOG)X4
YO, K6, YO, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK, K12, K2 TOG,
YO, K, YO, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSK, K12, K2 TOG,
YO, K3, YO, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, YO, K6, YO, (SSK, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K7, YO)X4
SSK, K7, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO,
SSK, K11, K2 TOG, (YO, K, YO, SSK, K12, K2 TOG)X2
Row 72: purl
Row 73: (SSK, K10, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO)X2, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO
SSK, K7, K2 TOG, YO, K7, YO, SSK, K5, K2 TOG, BO 71, SSK, PPSO,
K7, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO, SSK, K10, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO
K7, K3 INTO 1, K7, YO, K3, YO, SSK, K10, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO,
SSK, K7, K2 TOG, BO 71, SSK, PPSO, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K7, YO
SSK, K9, K2 TOG, (YO, K3, YO, SSK, K10, K2 TOG)X2
Row 74a: purl to first section of bound-off stitches
Row 75a: BO 15, SSK, PPSO, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K7, YO, SSK, K7, K2 TOG, (YO, K5, YO, SSK, K8, K2 TOG)X2
Row 76a: purl to first section of bound-off stitches
Row 77a: SSK, K3, K2 TOG, YO, K9, YO, SSK, K5, K2 TOG, (YO, K7, YO, SSK, K6, K2 TOG)X2
Row 78a: purl to first section of bound-off stitches
Row 79a: BO 15, SSK, PPSO, K3, K2 TOG, (YO, K9, YO, SSK, K4, K2 TOG)X2
Row 80a: purl to first section of bound-off stitches
Row 81a: Bind off to end (I did last two K2 TOG to round it more).
Row 74b: attach yarn to middle section so first row will be purl and purl to next bound off section.
Row 75b: SSK, K5, K2 TOG,YO, K7, YO, SSK, K8, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO, SSK, K6, K3 INTO 1, K6, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO, SSK, K8, K2 TOG, YO, K7, YO, SSK, K5, K2 TOG
Row 76b: purl
Row 77b: SSK, K3, K2 TOG, YO, K9, YO, SSK, K6, K2 TOG, YO, K7, YO, SSK, K13, K2 TOG, YO, K7, YO, SSK, K6, K2 TOG, YO, K9, YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG
Row 78b: BO 16, purl the rest
Row 79b: BO 15, SSK, PPSO, K4, K2 TOG, YO, K9, YO, SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K9, YO, SSK, K4, K2 TOG
Row 80b: BO 17, purl the rest
Row 81b: BO 16, SSK, PPSO, K9, K2 TOG
Row 82b: purl
Row 83b: SSK, K7, K2 TOG
Row 84b: purl
Row 85b: SSK, K5, K2 TOG
Row 86b: purl
Row 87b: SSSK, K, K3 TOG
Row 88b: purl 3 together, pass end through.
Row 74c: tie yarn on so next row is purl. BO 16, purl the rest.
Row 75c: (SSK, K8, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO)X2, SSK, K7, K2 TOG, YO, K7, YO, SSK, K5, K2 TOG
Row 76c: purl
Row 77c: (SSK, K6, K2 TOG, YO, K7, YO)X2, SSK, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K9, YO, SSK, K3, K2 TOG
Row 78c: BO 16, purl the rest.
Row 79c: (SSK, K4, K2 TOG, YO, K9, YO)X2, SSK, K3, K2 TOG
Row 80c: bind off the rest.
I just cast on for this shawl, in white yarn. I also bookmarked your link on the political issue. I almost lost my life in Syria, in the late 90's, in a political riot attack on the US Embassy there. I can sooooooo identify with the desire for peace---on earth. This shawl is lovely and I am going to try and do a row a day (because I've got other projects going), and then give it to my mother.
This is such a beautiful shawl! I grew up in war-torn Beirut, Lebanon and The Palestinian cause is especially close to my heart as it was one of the reasons why the whole conflict started in Lebanon. I have cast on and am working on it, and am channeling all of my yearning for peace not only for my terrorized and lost childhood, but for the children there right now.
But I seem to have hit a bump on row 19: there does not seem to be enough stitches left to knit the remaining pattern after I finish the second set of x6 pattern. Am I doing something wrong?
So far two errors have been reported, too many repeats on row 19 (should have been 5 not 6) and a YO instead of a K on row 25. Both are now corrected (as of April 17). I'm very sorry if you have been having fits trying to figure this out! If any one finds any more errors please tell me so I can fix them!
oh, thank you for posting that! Not too many fits, but glad it is over! :)
Love this shawl! Can you tell me the finished size? Also, your pdf does not have a "materials" list.
Sorry Cindy.
Materials - about 650 yards worsted weight yarn, #10 circular knitting needles. You can use different size yarn and needles but the size of the finished shawl will go up or down accordingly.
I have bought some fingering yarn which was intended for another project until I saw this shawl. I would love to make it using this yarn. Like Cindy, I would like to know what the finished size should be and do you know what sized needles I should use with the fingering yarn?
It's hard to say the finished size because of the shape of it. The shortest part from the neck to the edge (measured straight down as if you're wearing it) should be around 18 inches. From the center of the back to the tips of the wings would be closer to 3 feet.
Making it for a petite person it could be shorter, for a large person it should be larger.
First. THANK YOU for this lovely shawl -- and for the reminder that the world is NOT black and white..
I'm enjoying knitting this pattern (though not actually in gray), but have a question on row 37....
Until now, all of the k3into1's have landed either in the center stitch of another k3into1 or the center stitch of some other triad thing. In this row, they seem to be landing in the first stitch of the k3into1. I tried charting rows 35 and 37 (though with the 3into1's and the double decreases, I was ready to poke my eyes out :-), and it still looks like that's what I'd be doing.
That seems wrong, given the previous patterns of k3into1s, so I thought I'd check before proceeding. (I also posed this question on Ravelry)
All the K3into1's should line up. Once you get to the feathers part the yarnovers should as well, mostly, as you can see from the pictures.
Just starting this beauty. I have a question for you ~ on row 21, the last stitch is k2into1. Is this an increase, as kfb, or a decrease? Sheesh, of all life's challenges should be this simple for me to figure out. Thanks!
I have successfully finished the first 68 rows of the Wings of Peace Shawl but for some reason I can't make row 69 work. The k2tog's end up in the solid part of the feather. An I doing something wrong???
It sounds like you are, tho looking at the pictures on ravelry of finished ones, there is one area a lot of people seem to have had a problem in that would be around that row. So there could be a typo that nobody has reported to me yet. It would help if you let me know at which part of the instructions the K2 tog's start looking like they're in the wrong place.
Thanks for your help. The pattern seems ok up until the part below the dotted line. Then the k2tog comes right after the centre of the feather then a YO and ssk. Looks strange to me but maybe I'm missing something here. There are also too many stitches left at the end of the row.
Row 69: (SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K6, K2 TOG, YO)X2, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO
SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, (YO, K5, YO, SSK, K7, K2 TOG)X4,
YO, K4, YO, SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K6, K2 TOG, YO,SSK
SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K6, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO
Think I goofed last night when I first posted this because I sent it under my name ( Arlo-Ann) instead of Anonymous like the first post. Anyway here is what I came up with on he Wings of Peace Shawl. The pattern worked up until the portion that I have indicated below the double line. The K2, YO, SSK makes a double decrease to the left of the centre (3 into 1), of the feather. The whole row goes wrong from there, leaving several stitches unworked at the end of the row. HELP.
Row 69: (SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K6, K2 TOG, YO)X2, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO,K, YO
SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, (YO, K5, YO, SSK, K7, K2 TOG)X4,
YO, K4, YO, SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K,
YO, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K6, K2 TOG, YO,
SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K6, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO
You have found a typo! The single, lone K there just before the K2 tog should be K5!
Thank you for finding that! I guess it WAS making everybody go wrong there! I corrected it.
Thank you so much. I think I found a couple of others. They are in the rows below the double lines for # 69 & 71. At least they made the stitches work out right. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I certainly know about typo's cause I make a lot of them myself!!!
Row 69: (SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K6, K2 TOG, YO)X2, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO
SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, (YO, K5, YO, SSK, K7, K2 TOG)X4,
YO, K4, YO, SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K6, K2 TOG, YO,
SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, SSK, K6, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO
SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K4, YO, (SSK, K7, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO)X4, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSK, K5,
K3 INTO 1, [K5,I changed to K6] K2 TOG, (YO, SSK, K6, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG)X2
Row 70: purl
Row 71: (SSK, K12, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO)X2, SSK, K11, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO
SSK, K9, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO, SSK, K7, K2 TOG, (YO, K7, YO, SSK, K5, K2 TOG)X4
YO, K6, YO, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK, K12, K2 TOG,
YO, K, YO, SSK, K5, K3 INTO 1, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K, YO, SSK, K12, K2 TOG,
YO, K3, YO, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, YO, K6, YO, (SSK, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K7, YO)X4
SSK, K7, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO,
SSK,[ K11,I changed to K12] K2 TOG, (YO, K, YO, SSK, K12, K2 TOG)X2
No, those changes shouldn't be made. The beginning and end of the rows should mirror each other. Somehow you seem to have an extra stitch in there toward the end that doesn't belong. I'd knit two together somewhere where it wouldn't show or maybe knit three together instead of two to get back to the right stitch count there.
Thank you ReBorn, I decided to frog back to row 69 and try again. I do appreciate all of your help. Am looking forward to the finished product. I'm using a 100% rayon called Nevada Print which has blue, green and purple in it. Looks very much like Peacock feathers.
Hello again,
Just got back to this Shawl today and all went well until after the second 71 stitch BO. As in my previous posts, I am putting the part that I am having a problem with, below the double line.
Row 73: (SSK, K10, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO)X2, SSK, K9, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO
SSK, K7, K2 TOG, YO, K7, YO, SSK, K5, K2 TOG, BO 71, SSK, PPSO,
K7, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO, SSK, K10, K2 TOG, YO, K3, YO
K7, K3 INTO 1, K7, YO, K3, YO, SSK, K10, K2 TOG, YO, K5, YO,
SSK, K7, K2 TOG, BO 71, SSK, PPSO, K5, K2 TOG, YO, K7, YO
K9, K2 TOG, (YO, K3, YO, SSK, K10, K2 TOG)X2
After the K9,the 2 tog.ends up in the yo, k3, yo of row 71 and nothing seems to work from there on. Sorry to be such a bother.
The problem is mine, it is either the first K5 or the last K9 - because, as I said, they should mirror each other. Without knitting that row I can't easily be sure which is wrong - but if it went ok until that point, I'd guess that the K9 just before you started having problems should have been a K5. Let me know if that fixes it and I'll correct the pattern.
I think that I've finally figured out what might be wrong and it's my fault. Think I must have missed a 3 stitches into 1 in that section because there are 7 stitches where there should be 9. Will have to frog back AGAIN. The rest of the row works after that. Thank the Lord for life lines!
Gracias por este hermoso Chal yo tambien lo estoy tejiedo, me encanta su delicadesa en las hojas y te felicito por la ardua labor que realizas me sientno identificada contigo muchos abrazos y muchas fu erzas para que siempre salgas adelante y puedas seguir ocn tus proyectos en un futuro
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